Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Seasonal Headaches

Every year about this time, I get a headache that lasts about a month or month and a half. It varies from annoyance to full blown barfing migraine.

It has started again. I forgot it was the time of year for it until I realized I had had a headache for a week. Motrin will help for a bit but as soon as it wears off, the headache is back. I do Imitrex when it gets too bad. I hate taking it though as it makes me sleepy.

I have had cat scans and etc and they can't figure out why I get these headaches at this time of year.

My Mom thinks it is because it is Band Contest time and when I was in school I would be really stressed and pushed getting ready for Contest. Mostly this time of year was Solo and Ensemble Contest. She may have a point. I don't really remember but I fer sure have the headaches.

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