Tuesday, January 03, 2006

TMI 39 Getting Ready To Go Back To Work

Me going back to work and Dennis drinking was not going to happen. Not with us living in the same house. We fought. I ask him to leave. He refused. We did this over and over for the next couple of weeks.

I finally left and told him that if he did not check into inpatient treatment voluntarily, I would turn him in for drinking to his probation officer. (This as I came to find out, was a violation of the Tarrant County terms not the Wise County Terms legally, they couldn't revoke him or at least didn't want to for that.)

I was gone for one evening and he agreed to go into inpatient treatment the next morning when I called. I returned and took him in to rehab. He called the office and told them he was going to be visiting his sick father. I tried to stay out of it since we worked for the same company. I wanted him to come clean about the problem but he refused.

In rehab he had them drug him up so bad that when I went to see him the following day, he was drooling uncontrollably. He was also flirting with another "rehabee" I wasn't pleased and told him so. I went home.

I wasn't sure what to do at that point. It was pretty much out of my hands and into his. I wanted to make this all work out. It wasn't up to me. I hadn't learned that yet.

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