Thursday, February 02, 2006

What I feed company

Snagged from Miz Gina

I feed company steak. It is kinda of a sell out. It isn't special really but it it what I keep for company. I don't cook much for my 7 year old and me. He won't eat what I eat and I can't live on what he eats. So, we both eat steak. I buy it and freeze it and make it when I need to cook. The rest of the time we live on frozen pizza, eating out, and Delimex Taquitos. There are other things but mostly those are the staples. He will eat Red Beans and Rice and Chili and a few other things but that is about it. The doctors says I have to put weight on him because of the ADD medicine so I feed him what he will eat instead on insisting on feeding him a well balance diet that he will refuse. I try to sneak in veggies where I can. He eats fruit so I keep lots of fresh in the house. I figure he will grow into the veggies. My older sons did.

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