Sunday, January 15, 2006

TMI 58 Work and the Business

I was working from home but I wasn't getting many hours. I still had a little room on my credit cards and I was anxiously trying to get a job. The market was really tight though. We were struggling along but managing to meet the bills.

My husband wanted to buy stuff. Mostly tools and lawn equipment and etc. We had separate credit cards and while I told him it wasn't a good idea to spend so much I felt like I couldn't tell him how to spend his money.

The daughter and kids moved out shortly before Christmas. I was VERY relieved. Her kids were good when she wasn't around but the minute she was, they turned into conniving little monsters.

As it turns out, the man she married was not only just out of rehab but also just out of prison. Seems he was a crack dealer. Of course according to her, he was totally reformed. I called "bullshit"

Life got a little better. I was getting more hours and Jim's business was doing okay. I stayed out of his business because he had managed it for 15 years without me and I figured he knew what he was doing. Again, I was an idiot.

1 comment:

:P fuzzbox said...

Kids never truly get raised anymore do they. Hopefully mine will get out and about quick enough to see that I am stuck in a half decent home anyway.