Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Layoff Saga Continues Day 6

The people they laid off in my department are staying until 2/28. That means I have 4 more weeks with them.

Today, the buyer that did not get kept called me a brown nose and suck up and ass kisser in front of about 4 people. Needless to say, I wasn't pleased. She called me that because we were on a conference call with the Czech Republic. It was pretty much over. A guy from my new department came over to ask for help on something that I have a lot of experience with. The bosses boss that is staying was on the phone from Italy and they were trying to fix it and needed my help. As I got off the other phone call, she started in.

She got quite vulgar and quite nasty. Then she came back and ask me if I was mad. I said no, I was really more hurt. She started in again. I told her I wasn't going to discuss it and if she needed to feel that way about me she was more than welcome to.

I thought about going to HR. They would have walked her I think. I probably should have but I decided that the better part of valor here was to just brush it off since she would be gone in a month. It will be a LONG month.

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