Noah wore the cast for an additional 4 weeks after the surgery. I hadn't seen the arm since there was a cast over the pins. Once the cast was on, he had no pain. He was mad he couldn't swim or the other things he wanted to once school was out. He got the cast off in late June. They pulled the pins out then. I thought they would be small stainless steel pins. They looked more like cut up coat hangers. They pulled them out with pliers. He cried. He took it a lot better than I would. His muscles had atrophied. I had to do physical therapy on him 6 times a day. It was more painful than pulling the pins out. He cried a lot.
The thoughts of divorce had been waylaid in my concern for Noah. I tried to help my ex start a handy man business. I put in a lot of hours doing marketing and sales. I got him several jobs. I ended up helping since most jobs were not one man jobs. He wanted to start around 10 Am and finish up for the day around 2 PM. You can't make a living doing that and people want home repairs and etc done quickly. He was embarrassing me in his poor work ethic. I ended up doing the lion's share of the work. I am consequently a great painter and great at wallpaper and stonework. I would work 20 hour days. He went home and drank beer.
I was again losing my patience.
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