Tuesday, January 17, 2006

TMI 64 January 2005

In the meantime, there was a child support hearing with Dennis. I had to sit next to him in court and during mediation. I was scared and angry. He told me he had found God. I told him I had heard it before and that Noah couldn't eat that.

He got a court appointed attorney. I didn't get one.

The court appointed attorney was less than pleasant to me. I was the bad guy. The judge was less than kind to me. Obviously somewhere along the line, I must have commited a crime. Clearly, Dennis was the victim here. At least that was the way I was treated. Dennis was ordered to pay back child support but not anytime soon. His child support obligation was reduced. I really didn't care. I ask the judge to wipe out the debt but to terminate Dennis's rights. He said he couldn't do that. That my friend is justice. I cried in court. I cried all the way home. I was physically ill. I was angry. I was mad and hurt. None of that made a bit of difference.

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