Thursday, December 29, 2005

TMI 30 Then, all Hell Broke Loose

It took me 30 minutes to get home. The phone was ringing when I got there. My 13 year old indicated that Dennis had come in 10 minutes earlier and proceeded to lock himself in the bedroom.

I answered the phone. It was the Probation Officer. LOVELY! He wanted to talk to Dennis. Dennis wouldn't come out of the bedroom. We argued thru the door and he finally agreed to open the door and talk to the man after I indicated that he would send the police over to pick Dennis up if he didn't.

Dennis opened the door to the bedroom and I went in and handed him the phone. He was totally shitfaced drunk. He had stopped at a liquor store on the way home, then at a McDonalds. He emptied the drink out and filled the 20 oz. cup with Vodka. It was gone by the time he got home and had refilled it and was working his way thru his second 20 oz. of Vodka. He took the phone and spoke briefly to the Probation Officer. He handed the phone back to me. The Probation Officer ask if I was going to be safe there with him. I said yes. I had it under control. He told me he wanted to see Dennis at 8 AM the next morning.

The Probation Officer wants to talk to Dennis again. The alcohol is getting to Dennis more and more by the minute. The Probation Officer says something to Dennis and Dennis makes a racial slur and throws the phone at the wall. It is no longer usuable.


PirateKayle said...

HOLY SHIT! Well Dennis sounds like an asshole. Best of luck to you and your 13 year old.

Condoleesa said...

My 13 year old is now 21 and a Aircraft Mechanic in the Marines. He turned out okay. Thanks though.

Dennis is a special prize.