Tuesday, December 27, 2005

TMI 28 Terms of the probation

One of the terms of the probation was that Dennis NEVER be in the company of anyone under the age of 18 without an approved chaperone present. I was not yet approved. I could not make him not be home with my son who was 13 and his friend and his little sister. I was at my wit's end.

I did finally get my Long Term Disabilty for my pregnancy approved. I lost 11 lbs the first week I stayed home. Apparently, I had been retaining water and once I could get off my feet, my body could get rid of it. Consequently, I had gained 0, Zero, weight since my pregnancy began. I ate lots of vitamins but couldn't make myself eat. My life was just too unstable. I tried to eat, I really did. Thank God, I was not thin when this all started.

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