Sunday, December 04, 2005


I tend to obssess over things. I get obsessed with certain video games. I get obsessed with certain books and movies. It passes fairly quickly. I think it may be due to being just plained bored. My life is full but dull. I could liven it up but the cost would ultimately be too great at this point. I will stick with my fantasies and obsessions.

1 comment:

Yoda said...

I am very much the same way. I like to think of it as having more interests than time.

I could easily focus my intellectual efforts on fewer interests, but the problem then is that I'd learn so much about those few things that I'd alienate people. I already get quizzical looks and incredulous questions: "How do you KNOW that?"

It's probably a little taste of why so many geniuses go crazy. Or at least SEEM crazy.
