Sunday, December 25, 2005

BlackHawk Down

If you are from a military family or have any interest in military films, get this one and watch it NOW. It has to be one of the best ever made. I know the some of the guys that were on the ground that day. It is an honest depiction of what happened. Eric Bana, William Fitchner, and Josh Hartnett are outstanding as is Tom Sizemore and Ewan McGregor and Orlando Bloom. Jason Issacs is wonderful too. See the film please.


CJ said...

One of the guys piloting is from my hometown and actually is a 3rd cousin :o) And you're right, its an awesome movie..true to form and fact...By the way, he received the kind of hero welcome home you only see in movies :o)
Merry Christmas!

Yoda said...

I still haven't watched this film, nor have I read the book. The whole situation still makes me sick. I view this incident as the most egregious example of poor leadership displayed by the Clinton Administration, and I am still pissed off at this country's failure to support these heroes while they were still in the field...doing exactly the humanitarian mission that the military is not trained or equipped for, but which the bleeding hearts insist should be its primary mission.

Those who were there were heroes, one and all, but our handling of the Somali humanitarian relief effort stands as one of the low points in this country's history.
