Monday, December 05, 2005

Current Earworm

For some strange reason, the current earworm is "In my own little corner, in my own little chair, I can be whatever I want to be."

Not sure what brought that one on.

I remember reading "Illusions" by Richard Bach. At one point in there, the guy wakes up and shouts to the other guy to turn off the Celestial music in his head because it is blasting. Not sure what brought that memory up either.

I have been thinking a lot recently about visualizing things and making them happen. It is probably just me going the rest of the way crazy. But there is a real part of me that believes that if the human mind can conceive something it is just a matter of time before someone can make it a reality. I look at old movies and TV shows and there I get my proof. The old "Get Smart" shoe phone, the ear set on Lt. O'houra on Star Trek. Space flight, computer chips, the internet. It all was in books or movies before and someone figured out how to make it real.

1 comment:

Government Funded Blogger said...

Watched a program recently whose point was that Star Trek changed the world . The inventor of the Motorola cell phone admitted that the show influenced him. "Bones" scanner influenced the engineers that developed the CT scanner and the MRI device. Just two of the examples given