Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Whine #2

I am broke. I got remarried in 2003 to a man that was interested in me supporting him rather than being a husband and step father. I realized this when his business failed and 9 months later still refused to look for work. I finally indicated to him that he needed to find other accomodations. I attempted to help him get on his feet for about 4 months until I realized that once again I was more worried about what was happening to him than he was. 2 months later, he was totally out of money and borrowed $3k from his 81 year old mother that lives on a fixed income. When that ran out he went to live with her. I filed and processed the divorce myself.

When I married him, I was working full time and living in Phoenix where my job took me. After I married him, I moved back to Texas because he didn't want to move to Phoenix. We moved back into my house because his ex-wife was getting tired of him living and paying rent to her in their old house. To move back to Texas, I gave up my full time job and worked as a contractor with no health insurance and other benefits. The agreement was that the company I was working for would ultimately replace me in Phoenix at some point but if I chose to leave prior to 1 year from the date of the move, I would have to pay back the relocation. Hence I didn't rush to find a job. Eleven months after returning to Texas, they hired someone in Phoenix and I was laid off. Meantime I am still married to the guy that is spending money faster than I can make it and he refuses to get a job. Oh yeah, during this time my son broke his arm falling off the monkey bars at school. It required surgery to the tune of $20K. Even though he fell on school property and broke his arm due to improperly maintained playground equipment, the school refused to pay for any of the bills and you can't sue a school in Texas. I am furiously looking for work and paying ALL the bills and finally find a job at $15k less than I had previously been making. I tossed the husband out after he let his grandson threaten my son with a knife over a Nintendo game while I was at work. Suddenly, I also had to worry about daycare and after school care. Daycare is $170/week. Afterschool care is $80/week.


Jenifer D. said...

Some advice? If you're still with this sloth, type up a resume for his lazy ass (don't tell him about it)and xerox about 100 copies of said resume and fax them out to various employers you find fax numbers for in the want ads. Life is too fucking short to be married to a lazy sloth of a man who will not find a damn job, and apparently does not respect you no matter how much he says he loves you. Take a stand girl and read him the riot act; get a job NOW or go live in the street.

Condoleesa said...

I did toss the sorry SOB out after I found him several jobs he was more than qualified for. Now he lives with his mommy! He is 56 and she is 81

Jenifer D. said...

56?! Holy shit! In that case, you should have taken him to the animal pound and had his ass euthanised! What 56 year old man lives with his mommy unless she's disabled? You do have my condolences, hang in there. =:-)

Betty said...

I'd whine, really I would, cuz sometimes, I feel really damn sorry for myself. Every time I try, though, it just makes me disgusted with my self for not having the balls...er...I mean ovaries...to simply enjoy what I do have. To be honest, I have everything I need, just not everything I want. Is a man in your life a want or a need? I don't know sometimes. Should be a want, sometimes feels like a need.

Financial issues suck, especially when you have kids. You want so much for them.

When I feel like I really need to whine, I drive through Over-the-Rhine...Cincinnati's ghetto. Somehow makes me appreciate what I have enough to get me over the hump. That and a bubble bath.

Hang in there...Friday's coming.