Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Whine #1

I am broke. I am supporting my 7 year old pretty much by myself with my parents sending me money when I have a non routine bill. Now, you can say "Hey, that is your fault for spending more than you make." I would have to agree but there are extenuating circumstances. My son has a father and I was married to his father prior to his conception. Bad news is, he was still married to someone else, unbeknownst to me prior to my finding out I was pregnant. This meant that my marriage was not recognized by law and any assets he had were divided with his other wife when she managed to finalize their divorce. I still had to shell out money to have my marriage to him voided. He was $38K+ behind on child support as of 7/2004. It is accruing interest at 6% and he has incurred an additional amount of arrearage since that time. I fully expect that I will never see another dime of money from him. I am honestly okay with that but want him to voluntarily terminate his parental rights to my son. He refuses.

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