Friday, October 21, 2005

It is hard to be a woman that makes a large salary

I have made more money than most of the men I have had a relationship with. There were a few that made more than me but they did not have as much education and were basically highly skilled laborers. I think that most men are intimidated by a woman that can support herself. Some are attracted to the money. I have several successful women friends and we all have the same problems with men. I think deep down inside most successful men want their women to need them financially and be dependent. The only place I didn't feel that way so much was when I was on active duty in the Army and I think even there, the men want wives that they are not threatened by. I don't mean physically threatened I mean they want women that make them feel like they are big and strong and the smartest. I think it is the rare man that wants a wife that is an equal. It is a shame there are a lot of great women out there and honestly the men are settling for something less.

1 comment:

Betty said...

I could not agree with you more. I think that is one of the biggest problems I have had in finding a mate. I blame it on my big butt, but that's just a ruse. Its my accomplishments that scare men away, I'm sure of it. I just hate to say it. It makes it harder to be hopefull. Sigh.

But you know what? I want an equal. I want a guy who has accomplished just as much...and they are few and far between.