Tuesday, October 25, 2005


It was a swing and a miss. He barfed at school today and didn't eat at school yesterday. The doctor took him off it. The Concerta is down to 18mg but my son said his heart was skipping beats today at school.

The urologist has me irriated. I am also convinced that the Concerta is causing the UTI's but the urologist says no. He also wouldn't call in the script for antibiotics prior to the VCUG tomorrow. He left it to the cardiologist to take care of. The whole thing has me so pissed off and broke.


Rae Ann said...

Medical bills will be the end of me. Our insurance sucks so we pay a lot out of pocket. I hope the new meds work out better.

Anonymous said...

18mg is a really low dose. I wouldn't think it would be causing UTI's either. Could he be holding his pee for too long?

Anonymous said...

My name is Irene Pak and i would like to show you my personal experience with Concerta.

I am 60 years old. I have been taking concerta for three days now. So far it is wonderful. I was previously on ritalin for 2 months, and felt like I was on rollercoaster. I would go from jittery to severly depressed and crying. After changing to concerta three days ago, I feel like myself again, only with much more energy focus and concentration. I am sure hoping this will continue. I am on 36mg.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
mild headache, dry mouth, some affect on sleep

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Irene Pak