Thursday, October 13, 2005


My son is ADD. I can live with that but the ADD meds mess with is heart. I can't live with that. The teachers are going nuts. Anyone with $.02 please chip in.


Condoleesa said...

Actually my son doesn't eat much sugar. I do but he doesn't. He eats a lot of chicken and potatoes. He does get artifical sweetners and they may be part of it. I am going to try getting him off of those.

Lisa said...

Condoleesa, we are currently going throught the evaluation process with our daughter who is 8 yrs old. We are working with the pediatrician, and the school district. We are fortunate that our school district is on top of the situation. I don't believe that sugar has anything to do with ADD or ADHD but that one, two or three opinions have everything to do with it. Was he officially diagnosed by a doctor and is he taking medication? If I can help in anyway please contact me directly. I am getting an entire education in all of this.

Best Wishes,

ghartstein said...

I've taught students with ADD. Some of them needed meds and some received meds who, in my opinion, didn't need them, but rather needed parents to spend some time working with them to learn how to cope with the ADD issues. When medication was needed and given, the results were obvious very quickly.

I used to get mad at parents who made excuses saying their kids couldn't do things because of ADD...truth is they can, they just need to learn how to get through theprocess and keep their focus. Meds can work, just be sure he ABSOLUTELY needs them. Then be sure he's monitored regularly and the teachers all know!