Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Running buddy

I really wish I had a running buddy. I always liked running better when I had a buddy.

My fastest mile was 6:23
My fastest 2 mile was 14:15
My fastest 5K was 20:15
My fastest 10K was 40:08
My fastest 10 mile was 80 minutes
My half marathon time was about 1 hour 40 minutes
My marathon time sucked. I did it in under 5 hours. My excuse (read that whine) was that I had a stress fracture in my right uppper leg. After the marathon, my left knee locked straight for about 3 days. I iced it constantly during that time.

My goal for the next marathon is 3 hours 30 minutes. I am going to train less hard and work on staying injury free. I am shooting for the Cowtown but may not make it. I am having trouble getting enough miles in right now. Between work and my son, it is hard to find time. I know that is a lame excuse but until I find a good work around so I can put in more miles I am kinda stuck. I think my son is gonna get to learn to do some running. His big brothers could do 2 miles in 14 minutes when they where his age. I am SUCH a slacker with him.

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