Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Election 2008

I am betting that 2008 Election will be McCain against Hillary. It will be a tough choice. I genuinely like McCain but am afraid he would end up like Carter. An honest man that was a lousy President. Hillary on the other hand is a Bitch on Wheels. I don't like her but I respect her and I sure might vote for her. Let's see if my prediction holds true.


Rae Ann said...

I really hate that our first real choice of a women for president is going to be Hillary.

Condoleesa said...

Yeah. I actually like Laura Bush. I think there are probably tons of competent women out there that would do a good job but most don't have the money or the drive or the backing to pull it off.

I don't much like Hillary but I think she would do a pretty fair job. I really like McCain but I think he may be too honest a man for the job. Kinda like Jimmy Carter.

Jim said...

McCain is stronger than Carter, MUCH -- being a POW took care of that. As a Vietnam era vet, I can assure you, McCain is NOT Carter ...

Condoleesa said...

I do believe he is stronger and smarter than Carter. I am just not sure he is ruthless enough to make it as President.