Thursday, September 15, 2005


Jon Lovitz used to do a character on SNL that would say that all the time and it still cracks me up.

Seriously though, I thought I might let everyone know a bit about me. I am ex-Army officer (MSC) I have been a civilian for nearly 14 years now I resigned my commission as a Major. I have 3 sons. One in the Army, he is a linguist and speaks Korean (Hangul). The next one is a Marine and is currently in Iraq. He is an aircraft mechanic. I am extremely proud of both of them and am very proud that my Marine son volunteered to go to Iraq. My youngest son is 7 and wants to be a Navy Pilot. He is an adorable red head that is smart and funny about the kindest child I know.

I have several claims to fame but the thing that I am most proud of in my life besides my sons is the fact that I have run a marathon. I am fat and out of shape but am still shooting for doing the Cowtown Marathon in February. I run pretty fast for a fat girl.

I have 3 dogs and 2 cats and assorted fish. I have too many pets but may get a few more. My house is cluttered and fuzzy from pet fur but it is happy and cozy.

I hate cooking only because when I get home at night I am too tired to do it. Consequently, I love McDonalds and the Colonel. Anything more expensive is few and far between due to budgetary reasons.

I love movies but stick to the theater in McKinney where first runs are only $2.50 before 6PM and the $ movies behind my house. Blockbuster Online Rental has proved to be more than worth the money.

I come from a military family and have a sister that retired from the Army as a Colonel. She is a Radiologist and works at a Childrens Medical Center not in Texas.

My older brother was an FBI Agent and he worked on the first WTC bombing and testifed before the Senate concerning it. He was still an Agent during the second WTC attack and witnessed it and was involved in trying to evacuate people before the towers fell. He watched countless people hold hands and jump from the towers and still cries when he talks about it. In the days after the attack he was in charge of the body part count. I can't think of anything more depressing.

My younger brother is the least conservative of the family and lives on what I feel to be the fringes of society. I love him to death though and he has a heart of gold. He had drug problems when he was younger but has been clean and sober for years.

My parents are old and very conservative. Their views often seem racist and bigoted to me but I understand they are a product of their times and the times changed and they didn't. They aren't mean and don't mean to be unkind or unfair it is just the way they were raised. The good news is even though I was raised that way I didn't turn out that way.

I don't have a problem with gays. I don't think anyone choses to be gay. It is a hard way to live at best and no one would deliberately choose to be that way. I am glad my children aren't gay though and not just because I think it is a hard life but because I do think it is wrong. I think there are far worse sins though and many people that feel they are "good Christians" are guilty of them. I do try not to judge people.

I am not very patient with lazy whiny people and I think to some extent you make your own luck. Sometimes shit happens for no explainable reason but many times we created the situations we are in and should take responsibilty for them.

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