Monday, September 26, 2005

Late night rant

I have had a really long hard week. Part of my week, which I won't go into detail about involved dealing with several doctors. I generally like and respect doctors. My older sister is a doctor and while that actually serves to put me off them rather than make me admire them, I still genuinely like most doctors. However, my most common problem with doctors is that they don't want to be told what the problem is. They want to figure it out on their own. I have gone to doctors many times and indicated that I had a problem and spelled out what I believed the problem to be only to have them tell me I could not possibly be right only later to have it proven to them I was right by them doing a series of tests (some quite painful and ultimately unnecessary after determining the accurate diagnosis). Now, I have thought this phenomena over carefully. I, for the life of me, could not understand why this was happening. I should have known though. Doctors think they are smarter than us and if someone that has not had their extensive experience and training identifies a problem then it could not possibly be right therefore they must rule that out immediately and start looking for a different diagnosis. I think this somehow must validate their existence and prove to them that they are smarter than the average bear. At any rate, this pisses me off more than you could know. I don't see a workable solution to the problem though so I will suck it up and move on. Just had to get it out of my system.

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