Saturday, September 03, 2005

And now the Exodus

I just saw on FOX where they had brought in Chinook's and other military helicopters to aid in the evacuation. They had about 100 buses too and were putting armed escorts on them. I am now wondering where they are all going to go. The Astrodome was full to bursting yesterday. They had opened the Reliant Center to augment the space. They are bringing 25K to Dallas and another 25K to San Antonio. I have no idea where they are going to put them all and the long term impact this will have on our lives. These people aren't going to have a place to go for a long time and I can't imagine where they will go beyond the initial stay in the Sports Arena's and military bases. The Dallas Mayor is mad because the suburbs don't want to take any. I understand and while I want to help these people, I don't want looters and rapists and drug dealers moving into my neighborhood and sending their kids to school with mine.

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