Saturday, September 24, 2005

Rita and other ramblings of a gray Saturday Morning

I left the TV on all night on one of the all news channels to listen to the hurricane coverage. I never cease to be amazed at how they can stretch a few updates into hours and hours and hours of coverage. It kinda beats you down.

I had a hard week. No specifics, but suffice it to say I hope next week is better. I don't really expect things to get better for at least a month and maybe not for 4 months. No choice but to dig in and suck it up. I sure am physically and mentally exhausted and feeling depressed about just about everything at this point. I should probably go for a run or get some exercise, that always helps.

Well, it is clear to me I need to get off the computer and go DO somthing. If I sit here and think about my week and the hurricanes and the middle east and world hunger and why I am not thinner or younger or richer and everything else that seems to be wrong right now I can work up a real good dark depression. But, that won't solve anything or make any difference so I better get to doing laundry and housecleaning and maybe go to the movies later. The $ movies have some pretty good stuff showing that I would like to see but wasn't willing to pay full movie ticket price for. I just have to stay away from the popcorn.

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