Monday, September 26, 2005

Free Love Field

I am an advocate for appealing the Wright Amendment. I think DFW has had most airlines by the shorthairs and indirectly forces our ticket prices up. I know for a fact that the Airport makes a huge profit every year and does so my charging an inordinate amount to drive across the airport and/or park at the airport. They also charge the airlines a huge amount to use their gates. Repealing the Wright Amendment would cause them to loosen their grip and would result in lower airfares and increased travel to and from Dallas, there for buoying up the economy.

I said as much in a letter to Kay Bailey Hutchison and her stand was that we needed to carefully evaluate how this would impact DFW. Malarky! They are making potloads and potloads of money every year. Let's give them a little competition. Kay Bailey you are not getting my vote next time

look here for info

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