Thursday, September 29, 2005

More Earworms

This morning I had several it is like someone keeps switching radio stations in my head. It changes between Gordon Lightfoot's "Sundown you better take care if I find you been creeping round my back stair" then goes to "He can't even run his own life I'll be damned if he'll run mine" "Sunshine go away today, don't feel much like dancin'" I guess my thoughts are alll over the place this morning and my earworms are reflecting it.

In case you didn't know, songs stuck in your head are called earworms after that old Twillight Zone episode where someone is going to kill someone else and they want to find a way to do it without being detected so they go to to this guy that gives them this worm that you put in the persons ear and it eats it's way thru the brain.

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