Sunday, October 02, 2005

"Professor Says Pink Locker Room Promotes Sexism, Homophobia"

I am just a posting fool this morning. I have managed to hit a gold mine of really funny things to talk about.

I don't think it is sexist or homophobic. I think it is funny as hell. People need to lighten up. Here is the article


Betty said...

I agree with the law school professor, I think its demeaning.

I call my teenage sons to task when they refer to something as "gay" in a derogatory manner, of if they call a guy a "pussy". Of course, they jumped all over me for referring to a guy as a "dickhead". I defended myself, saying that it wasn't the same. A guy doesn't have a pussy, but he does have a dick.

I think I lost that argument.

Condoleesa said...

You are funny! I agree it is demeaning but not to women to the other team. I don't think they did it to demean women. I think they did it to poke fun at the other team.

Rae Ann said...

I really like pink.