Friday, October 07, 2005

The Death Penalty

I was reading someone else's blog and they posted about Texas carrying out an execution last night. I used to think it was barbaric and that everyone had some good in them. Unfortunately for me, I no longer believe that. I think there are psychotic people that have no sense of remorse and are not capable of it. I think the lack of remorse is something that cannot be changed, treated or reformed. Consequently, I think we need to get those people out of society if they break the law. I don't think we should feed and house them until they die a natural death because I think the money could be better spent on schools and social programs.

When I was in the Army, there was a JAG officer that they called "The Round Mound of Sound" he was horribly overweight but even though he was the Army kept him. He was an outstanding attorney and if I ever needed one, he would be who I would want (okay now I would maybe want Barry Green.) At any rate, he was giving a lecture in Military Law and the Uniformed Code of Military Justice and he was talking about some cases he had had. He said, sex offenders are not ever sorry for what they did, they are only sorry they got caught.

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