Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Update on the Cockatiels

I have 3 fledgling Cockatiels right now in addition to the 6 adults. One pair abandoned the nest after their eggs did not hatch. I think this was their first clutch and they just didn't know how to be parents. Of the 5 that hatched in the successful clutch, one the parents refused to feed (they say they do that if they know the chick won't survive) I would have handfed it but you have to do it every hour and a half for the new babies (which are the size of a bumblebee) and 99% of the time these chicks won't survive anyway. The original mated pair is yet again working a nest box and have four eggs. The youngest mated pair that also abandoned the nest have a single egg. I have not candled any yet (you put them under a really bright light and see if you can see a heart which appears as a red dot, if it isn't there, the egg is not fertile.)

I have also managed to acquire 5 Parrotlets which have totally stolen my heart, 8 parakeets no one wanted anymore, 6 lovebirds (very aggressive little creatures) and about 32 finches ( some Zebra who now have fledglings, some Society who may have hatchlings, and some Gouldians which do not seem to be interested in breeding)

My sunroom has become an aviary and I have gotten a Tax ID number and am now doing business as Wings and Things Aviary. I have learned a tremendous amount about birds and breeding.


Kathleen... said...

Holy cow!!!! You sound just like a friend of mine!! Are you her? ;)

Seriously, a g'friend has like 30 some-odd birds.....parrot, cockatiel, Quaker something....and others. It's amazing to be able to show one's kids (mine) the live nature experience of a nest of eggs...the one (that made it) hatching...the little red thing putting on some feathers...[poof!] little cockatiel looking bird mere days later....

That's great. I'm a cat person, but I'll my cat away from your buuuuuurrrrrds. =D

Kathleen... said...

Er, "but I'll [keep] my cat away...."