Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why oh why oh why?

Why did David Duchovney ever leave X-Files? What the hell was he thinking? It was undoubtedly the best gig he ever had and he was HOT AND FAMOUS. Now, he does voiceovers for pet commercials.


Rae Ann said...

That happens so often when people get too big for their britches on tv. I used to love Northern Exposure, but then the guy who played 'Joel' got the I'm-too-big-for-tv syndrome too. George Clooney is one of the only actors who has really done great leaving behind a successful tv show.

Jim said...

He did NOT understand that it was the best Gig he would ever have -- Just ask David Caruso, who thought he DID NOT have it all on "NYPD Blue," gave it up for WHAT? ... then found himself, yet again, on network TV (this time on "CSI Miami" ). As my sainted mother (now age 81) used to say, "What goes around, comes around. " Nee'? You betcha ...

Condoleesa said...

You are dead right on that. His movies haven't done well and he has resorted to doing voice overs for commericals.