Wednesday, May 03, 2006

An Iris from the Front Yard

They are mostly done blooming now. This is one of my favorites.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Good News is

The doctor has decided my son's recurrent Urinary Tract Infections are caused by food allergies and not some physical problem.

The bad news is.......

He is allergic to tomatoes, citrus, caffeine, carbonation, strong spices like chili powder and jalepenos.

That means no ketchup, caffeine free diet coke, chocolate, pizza, Mexican food.

What else does a 7 year old eat?????


I suffer from seasonal Chronic headaches. They are a BITCH.

There few things in life....

That are not improved by a pedicure in a spa chair.

What I really need......

Is not a husband but a house elf. Dobby will do fine.

The Bunny

Live bunnies brought in by cats are way better than dead possums brought in by dogs or even live possums brought in my dogs.

My son Noah saved this one from the cat after she brought it in. We caught it in the kitchen after it dove under the fridge. Noah is holding it in the pic. He is just 7 almost 8 so you can see how small the bunny is compared to his hand.

I'm baaacccckkkk!

I haven't posted in ages. Tons of things have happened. My new boss resigned and I got promoted.