Thursday, December 29, 2005

TMI 32 There's Got To Be A Morning After

After about another 20 minutes the son shows up. He is about 6ft and in great shape from the Marine training. He comes in, takes one look at the house and asks me if Dennis hit me. I lie and say no.

I am scared Dennis is going to jail this time and I tell the son so. Calling your Probation Officer the "N" word generally is not good practice. We decide that the best thing to do is to try to get him committed to a Alcohol Treatment Facility tonight before the appointment in the morning. We have no idea how to do that, so we take him to the Emergency Room. As soon as we get him off the floor he becomes combative and the son puts him in a headlock and bounces him off any convenient wall. We get him to the minivan and I drive to the ER while the son sits on him.

We get him inside the ER waiting room and I do what it takes to get him seen. They aren't pleased. They tell me they are not equipped to deal with this. I tell them he has alcohol poisoning and needs treatment. They agree to see him.

We get him back to a room. He is totally combative and is obviously trying to hurt me at this point. His son is the only thing keeping him from killing me. He bounces Dennis off the walls whenever he wakes up and takes a lunge for me. They call hospital security. We explain that he is severely drunk and has alcohol poisoning and that he need treatment. They do a blood alcohol test. Then hit him up with Atavan to knock him out. It is about 2 AM. I am exhausted and scared and trying so hard to help him. I know it is the alcohol talking and not really Dennis.

We get out of there around 5 AM after talking to counselors. Dennis's blood alcohol was .4 at 2 AM His last drink was around 5 PM. He is lucky he didn't die.

The son's dental appointment at Carswell is at 7:30. We get the still unconscious Dennis in the Minivan around 5:30. They tell me at the hospital he will sleep it off. We make it home to my house. The son gets his uniform on and I drive with him following me to Carswell. He goes onto the base and I head to the appointment with the Probation Officer.

I can barely get Dennis to wake up. I make it to the area in Fort Worth where we have to see the Probation Officer. I haven't slept yet. I get a strong cup of coffee from a fast food place and drink some and try to get the rest into Dennis.

He is somewhat contrite at his point. I tell him he just needs to go in and be honest and explain he has an alcohol problem and tell them he has gotten info on in-patient treatment facilities. He agrees.

We get called in to see the Probation Officer and his demeanor changes. He gets ugly, they call in the deputies and he is arrested for public drunkness. I go home.

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