Friday, July 21, 2006

My Soapbox

In MY opinion, it is down right UN-AMERICAN, to slack off at work these days. I see so many jobs going to Mexico and overseas where the labor rates are lower. It pisses me off to no end to see someone take a 2 hour lunch then whine about layoffs.


spicey pineapple said...

you are right, and it doesnt happen just over there it happens everywhere i know for a fact that many austrlians dont do their jobs as the should be and yet complain when someone else who will do the job properly gets it

Mable said...

Just dropping by to say hello having come across your entry in Belinda's blog. Enjoyed reading your entries and will visit again. Happy belated birthday and congratulations on your recent job promotion. Cheers!

spicey pineapple said...

why havent you blogged in so long? i need more reading material!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but I have seen a lot, I mean A LOT of lazy foreign people in my day too. I think most Americans work smart and hard and put in long hours. Americans have some of the fewest days off than anybody else in the industrialized nation.